The PEI Journal published in its Third Quarter issue a summary of the new regulations by Bob Renkes, the Executive Vice President of PEI. In Renkes’ words, “The additions and changes coming to the industry are substantial.”
Updates to Regulation 40 CFR part 280, first enacted in 1988, include new UST requirements in 25 different areas, including periodic inspection and maintenance of UST systems, secondary containment, prevention and release detection technologies, codes of practices, types of USTs that are no longer deferred, new Indian country requirements, and
The second publication is an update to an ‘old standard’ of UST compliance, the EPA pamphlet “Musts for USTs.” It’s one of the earliest documents produced by the EPA at the time of the original regulations more than 25 years ago, now updated to include all of the 2015 changes. Musts for USTs does an excellent job of breaking the requirements down into 36 pages of easy-to-understand details.
MUSTs for USTs is free and you can view or download a copy of it on our website.
You can read the full issue of the PEI Journal containing this article article, or you can read/download a copy of this specific article from our website.
For those of you really wanting to get into the fine print, the Final Rule was also published in the Federal Register on July 15, 2015. That document can be found here.
For further clarity around what's required for your facility, we are always here to help. call us at 1-800-964-1250 or send an inquiry via our website.